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Cybersecurity can be complex. Are you struggling to understand the intricacies of the MITRE ATT&CK framework? Don't spend hours digging through the knowledge base. With ATT&CK Mate, you'll have an expert guide right at your fingertips.ATT&CK Mate allows you to ask anything about the ATT&CK matrix and techniques. Powered by advanced natural language processing, it provides clear explanations tailored to your questions. Understand attack tactics, techniques, sub-techniques, and more in seconds. Key features include:- Conversational question and answer format - Detailed descriptions of ATT&CK tactics, techniques, software, groups, and mitigations- Ability to ask follow-up questions and clarify responses- Always up-to-date with the latest ATT&CK updatesStop wasting time searching aimlessly. Let ATT&CK Mate be your personal ATT&CK expert and take your knowledge to the next level. Ask your ATT&CK question now!

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Roberto Rodriguez

Threat Researcher @ Microsoft #MSTIC RnD & Founder of the @OTR_Community