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An on-demand Chief Product Officer that drafts and improves your PRDs, while coaching you to become an elite product manager.

Product managers know the pain of crafting perfect PRDs. You pour hours into documenting requirements, flows, and edge cases, only to end up with a dense document that leaves stakeholders confused. What if there was an easier way to create PRDs that clearly communicate product vision?Introducing ChatPRD - your on-demand Chief Product Officer that collaborates with you in real-time to draft sharp, focused PRDs. ChatPRD asks thoughtful questions to extract your product requirements and goals. It then synthesizes your inputs into a well-structured PRD optimized for clarity. With ChatPRD's coaching, you'll learn how to frame user stories and slice features to accelerate development. Stop struggling alone with tangled PRDs. Bring the expertise of a veteran CPO into the room with ChatPRD. Transform your PRDs from foggy documents into clear roadmaps to development success. Sign up now to collaborate with ChatPRD on your next PRD.

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Claire Vo

I�m Claire. I�m the Chief Product Officer at Color, leading engineering, product, design, data, technical services, and support. Previously, I was CPO at Optimizely, which acquired my startup, Experiment Engine in 2017.I�m cool mom to T & H and +1 to EJ, who also works at the internet. As a woman who has it all, I like to stay on brand with my passions and interests. When I�m not working, mom-ing, or sleeping, I�m searching for the perfect work bag, enjoying the California landscape, and fantasizing about founding a company again.I live in San Francisco but left my heart in Austin, Texas.