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Make a gif. Uses Dalle3 to make a spritesheet, then code interpreter to slice it and animate. Includes an automatic refinement and debug mode..

Struggling to make stunning animated gifs? Gif-PT is here to help. This revolutionary tool takes the pain out of gif creation by leveraging advanced AI. First, simply describe the gif you want to make. Gif-PT uses the latest DALL-E model to generate a spritesheet of images tailored to your vision. No more frustrating hours sourcing assets or drawing frames by hand. Next, Gif-PT's smart interpreter slices your spritesheet and automatically animates the frames with smooth transitions. The tedious process of stitching images together is a thing of the past.And that's not all. Gif-PT includes an automatic refinement mode, so you can provide feedback to enhance your gif until it's pixel perfect. Debugging tools ensure glitch-free playback every time. Why waste time and effort making gifs the old way? Let Gif-PT's AI-powered automation do the heavy lifting. Get stunning animated gifs made easy. Give your creative vision life today!

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Nicholas Dobos

I make apps. My code runs on 100mil+ phones | former iOSdev @Twitter __ | pixel storyteller, avant garde & out of the box tech & art | sideProj @mindGoblinStdio