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Piloting arXiv and more, for you

Drowning in research papers? PaperPilot is your life raft. This AI assistant reads and summarizes papers for you, so you can quickly grasp the key ideas and decide if a paper is relevant without reading the whole thing. No more wasting hours reading papers that go nowhere. PaperPilot also helps you explore new research topics by identifying related papers and surfacing key papers to read first. You'll stay up-to-date on the latest research with much less effort.Whether you're a student or researcher looking to efficiently cover more ground, or a professional who needs to monitor research developments, PaperPilot is your co-pilot for navigating the world of academic papers. Stop wasting time and start piloting your research with PaperPilot today.

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I made WebPilot, a speedy, versatile plugin feeding ChatGPT real-time info