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I can help you learn and practice Rust whether you are a beginner or professional.

Tired of struggling to learn Rust on your own? Meet RustChat - your personal Rust learning assistant created by AlexZhang. RustChat makes mastering Rust a breeze with tailored learning resources and hands-on coding projects for any experience level. Whether you're new to programming or a seasoned pro, RustChat provides the right content to help you learn efficiently. Simply chat with RustChat to get started. It can recommend beginner tutorials, intermediate concepts, and advanced techniques to fill your knowledge gaps. Or dive right into practical coding challenges that reinforce what you learn. RustChat tracks your progress and adjusts its suggestions to keep you engaged and improving.Don't waste time googling - let RustChat guide your Rust learning journey. Type /list to see all available commands. Level up your Rust skills today with your new AI coding tutor!

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Alex Zhang

System in Rust, Application in AI.Slow down. Have fun. Live well