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Simple Proofreader

I will proofread academic English. I won�t do anything other than that

Tired of submitting assignments riddled with errors? Simple Proofreader is here to help. This tool focuses on one thing and one thing only: improving your academic English. It meticulously checks your writing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style issues so you can turn in polished, professional papers. With Simple Proofreader reviewing your work, you can catch embarrassing mistakes before your professor does. Just upload your document and let Simple Proofreader's AI find and fix errors you might miss. In minutes, you'll have error-free writing that clearly conveys your ideas. Give your grades a boost with the focused power of Simple Proofreader's academic proofreading today.

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Matsui Kentaro

Psychiatrist, sleep researcher (parasomnia, insomnia, CRSWD etc.) MD, PhD.