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Tax advice specialist offering guidance on tax-related queries.

Do taxes stress you out? TaxGPT is here to help. This tax advice specialist takes the guesswork and headache out of filing your taxes. With TaxGPT, you can get personalized guidance on any tax-related question. No more sorting through dense IRS documents or waiting on hold with the tax agency. TaxGPT makes taxes easy with its user-friendly interface. Simply type in your question and TaxGPT provides a straightforward answer you can understand. It covers everything from maximizing deductions to avoiding audit triggers. TaxGPT even suggests relevant IRS forms and publications so you have all the info you need in one place.Stop losing sleep over taxes. Let TaxGPT be your tax advisor and guide you to filing an accurate return with the maximum refund. Get the expertise of a seasoned tax pro for a fraction of the cost. Give TaxGPT a try today!

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Bojan Tunguz

Machine Learning at Nvidia. Kaggle Quadruple Grandmaster. Data Scientist. Physicist. Catholic. Husband. Father. Stanford Alum. Opinions my own. e/xgb. AMDG.