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Typeframes - Video Creation

Create videos for you

Have you ever wanted to create a professional-looking video, but don't have the time or skills to do it yourself? Typeframes is here to help. This innovative video creation tool makes it easy for anyone to produce stunning videos in minutes. With Typeframes, you can simply type in your script and let the tool take care of the rest. It will automatically generate a video with animated text, images, graphics, and music tailored to your script. No complex editing or design skills needed! The key benefit is that Typeframes does all the heavy lifting for you. It chooses eye-catching visuals, adds motion to text, and inserts transitions - things that are tedious and time-consuming to do manually. This frees you up to focus on your message while Typeframes handles the design work.Whether you need an explainer video, promo, or presentation, Typeframes takes your words and turns them into a polished video you can proudly share. And with its simple drag-and-drop editor, you have full creative control to customize the final product. Don't waste hours trying to create videos yourself. Let Typeframes do the work for you and make video creation easy. Try it today to effortlessly produce videos that tell your story!

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Tibo Louis-Lucas

Building http://tweethunter.io & http://taplio.com to $10m ARR (sold)Sharing my learnings about biz growthAcquired http://typeframes.comSharing tips here: http://tibo.beehiiv.com