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U.S. immigration assistant

GPT Guides you on U.S. immigration and citizenship processes. Uses the latest all available information from the official website [UNOFFICIAL]

U.S. immigration can be a confusing process. But with the U.S. immigration assistant, navigating your way to U.S. citizenship just got a whole lot easier. This AI-powered tool serves as your personal guide through the complex legal procedures and requirements for obtaining a green card, visa, or citizenship. It walks you step-by-step through every form, document, and interview you'll need to complete. The assistant even provides personalized recommendations based on your unique situation. It can alert you to potential issues and help you avoid common mistakes that delay applications. With up-to-date information drawn directly from official government sources, you can trust you're getting the latest immigration rules and policies.Stop struggling through the bureaucratic maze alone. Let the U.S. immigration assistant take you by the hand and lead you smoothly to your goal of becoming a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The path to your American dream starts here.

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Robert Lukoshka

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