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YC Application GPT

This GPT automatically fills YC application for you based on website or Pitch Deck

Sick of spending hours filling out tedious YC applications? We feel your pain. That's why we created the YC Application GPT to take this grueling task off your plate. This groundbreaking tool automatically generates compelling YC applications in minutes using just your website or pitch deck. No more struggling to summarize your company or figure out what parts of your story to tell. Our advanced AI reviews your materials and crafts a polished narrative highlighting your startup's mission, innovations, and growth potential. The YC Application GPT makes the application process fast and frustration-free. Just feed it your website or deck and let our AI work its magic. It'll craft well-written responses to each question, pulling the most compelling info from your existing materials. You�ll get a complete, investment-ready application tailored to your business. Stop wasting hours slaving over applications. Let the YC Application GPT do the heavy lifting for you, so you can get back to building your startup. Try it now and get your YC application done with ease!

Follow the creator
Iuliia Shnai

Building http://papermark.io with @mfts0 __ Created LinkedIn Post Generator http://postgenerator.app __ Coding other micro tools for fun _____